How to send an array using (Python)? "Value Error: Too many values to unpack"

Solution 1:

You want to pass in JSON encoded data. See the API documentation:

Remember — All post bodies must be JSON encoded data (no form data).

The requests library makes this trivially easy:

headers = {"W-Token": "Ilovemyboss"}
data = [
        'url': '/rest/shifts',
        'params': {'user_id': 0, 'other_stuff': 'value'},
        'method': 'post',
        'url': '/rest/shifts',
        'params': {'user_id': 1,'other_stuff': 'value'},
], json=data, headers=headers)

By using the json keyword argument the data is encoded to JSON for you, and the Content-Type header is set to application/json.

Solution 2:

Well, It turns out that all I needed to do was add these headers:

headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Accept':'application/json'}

and then call requests,data=json.dumps(payload), headers=headers)

and now i'm good!

Solution 3:

Always remember when sending an array(list) or dictionary in the HTTP POST request, do use json argument in the post function and set its value to your array(list)/dictionary.

In your case it will be like:

r =, headers=headers, json=data)

Note: POST requests implicitly convert parameter's content type for body to application/json.

For a quick intro read API-Integration-In-Python