How to check if two arrays are equal with JavaScript? [duplicate]

Solution 1:

This is what you should do. Please do not use stringify nor < >.

function arraysEqual(a, b) {
  if (a === b) return true;
  if (a == null || b == null) return false;
  if (a.length !== b.length) return false;

  // If you don't care about the order of the elements inside
  // the array, you should sort both arrays here.
  // Please note that calling sort on an array will modify that array.
  // you might want to clone your array first.

  for (var i = 0; i < a.length; ++i) {
    if (a[i] !== b[i]) return false;
  return true;

Solution 2:

[2021 changelog: bugfix for option4: no total ordering on js objects (even excluding NaN!=NaN and '5'==5 ('5'===5, '2'<3, etc.)), so cannot use .sort(cmpFunc) on Map.keys() (though you can on Object.keys(obj), since even 'numerical' keys are strings).]

Option 1

Easiest option, works in almost all cases, except that null!==undefined but they both are converted to JSON representation null and considered equal:

function arraysEqual(a1,a2) {
    /* WARNING: arrays must not contain {objects} or behavior may be undefined */
    return JSON.stringify(a1)==JSON.stringify(a2);

(This might not work if your array contains objects. Whether this still works with objects depends on whether the JSON implementation sorts keys. For example, the JSON of {1:2,3:4} may or may not be equal to {3:4,1:2}; this depends on the implementation, and the spec makes no guarantee whatsoever. [2017 update: Actually the ES6 specification now guarantees object keys will be iterated in order of 1) integer properties, 2) properties in the order they were defined, then 3) symbol properties in the order they were defined. Thus IF the JSON.stringify implementation follows this, equal objects (in the === sense but NOT NECESSARILY in the == sense) will stringify to equal values. More research needed. So I guess you could make an evil clone of an object with properties in the reverse order, but I cannot imagine it ever happening by accident...] At least on Chrome, the JSON.stringify function tends to return keys in the order they were defined (at least that I've noticed), but this behavior is very much subject to change at any point and should not be relied upon. If you choose not to use objects in your lists, this should work fine. If you do have objects in your list that all have a unique id, you can do}{return {id:x.uniqueId}}). If you have arbitrary objects in your list, you can read on for option #2.)

This works for nested arrays as well.

It is, however, slightly inefficient because of the overhead of creating these strings and garbage-collecting them.

Option 2

Historical, version 1 solution:

// generally useful functions
function type(x) { // does not work in general, but works on JSONable objects we care about... modify as you see fit
    // e.g.  type(/asdf/g) --> "[object RegExp]"
function zip(arrays) {
    // e.g. zip([[1,2,3],[4,5,6]]) --> [[1,4],[2,5],[3,6]]
    return arrays[0].map(function(_,i){
        return{return array[i]})

// helper functions
function allCompareEqual(array) {
    // e.g.  allCompareEqual([2,2,2,2]) --> true
    // does not work with nested arrays or objects
    return array.every(function(x){return x==array[0]});

function isArray(x){ return type(x)==type([]) }
function getLength(x){ return x.length }
function allTrue(array){ return array.reduce(function(a,b){return a&&b},true) }
    // e.g. allTrue([true,true,true,true]) --> true
    // or just array.every(function(x){return x});

function allDeepEqual(things) {
    // works with nested arrays
    if( things.every(isArray) )
        return allCompareEqual(     // all arrays of same length
               && allTrue(zip(things).map(allDeepEqual)); // elements recursively equal

    //else if( this.every(isObject) )
    //  return {all have exactly same keys, and for 
    //          each key k, allDeepEqual([o1[k],o2[k],...])}
    //  e.g. ... && allTrue(objectZip(objects).map(allDeepEqual)) 

    //else if( ... )
    //  extend some more

        return allCompareEqual(things);

// Demo:

allDeepEqual([ [], [], [] ])
allDeepEqual([ [1], [1], [1] ])
allDeepEqual([ [1,2], [1,2] ])
allDeepEqual([ [[1,2],[3]], [[1,2],[3]] ])

allDeepEqual([ [1,2,3], [1,2,3,4] ])
allDeepEqual([ [[1,2],[3]], [[1,2],[],3] ])
allDeepEqual([ [[1,2],[3]], [[1],[2,3]] ])
allDeepEqual([ [[1,2],3], [1,[2,3]] ])

More "proper" option, which you can override to deal with special cases (like regular objects and null/undefined and custom objects, if you so desire):

To use this like a regular function, do:

    function allDeepEqual2() {
        return allDeepEqual([];


    allDeepEqual2([[1,2],3], [[1,2],3])

Option 3

function arraysEqual(a,b) {
        Array-aware equality checker:
        Returns whether arguments a and b are == to each other;
        however if they are equal-lengthed arrays, returns whether their 
        elements are pairwise == to each other recursively under this
    if (a instanceof Array && b instanceof Array) {
        if (a.length!=b.length)  // assert same length
            return false;
        for(var i=0; i<a.length; i++)  // assert each element equal
            if (!arraysEqual(a[i],b[i]))
                return false;
        return true;
    } else {
        return a==b;  // if not both arrays, should be the same


arraysEqual([[1,2],3], [[1,2],3])
arraysEqual([1,2,3], [1,2,3,4])
arraysEqual([[1,2],[3]], [[1,2],[],3])
arraysEqual([[1,2],[3]], [[1],[2,3]])
arraysEqual([[1,2],3], undefined)
arraysEqual(undefined, undefined)
arraysEqual(1, 2)
arraysEqual(null, null)
arraysEqual(1, 1)
arraysEqual([], 1)
arraysEqual([], undefined)
arraysEqual([], [])
If you wanted to apply this to JSON-like data structures with js Objects, you could do so. Fortunately we're guaranteed that all objects keys are unique, so iterate over the objects OwnProperties and sort them by key, then assert that both the sorted key-array is equal and the value-array are equal, and just recurse. We CANNOT extend the sort-then-compare method with Maps as well; even though Map keys are unique, there is no total ordering in ecmascript, so you can't sort them... but you CAN query them individually (see the next section Option 4). (Also if we extend this to Sets, we run into the tree isomorphism problem - fortunately it's not as hard as general graph isomorphism; there is in fact an O(#vertices) algorithm to solve it, but it can get very complicated to do it efficiently. The pathological case is if you have a set made up of lots of seemingly-indistinguishable objects, but upon further inspection some of those objects may differ as you delve deeper into them. You can also work around this by using hashing to reject almost all cases.)
**edit**: It's 2016 and my previous overcomplicated answer was bugging me. This recursive, imperative "recursive programming 101" implementation keeps the code really simple, and furthermore fails at the earliest possible point (giving us efficiency). It also doesn't generate superfluous ephemeral datastructures (not that there's anything wrong with functional programming in general, but just keeping it clean here).

If we wanted to apply this to a non-empty arrays of arrays, we could do seriesOfArrays.reduce(arraysEqual).

This is its own function, as opposed to using Object.defineProperties to attach to Array.prototype, since that would fail with a key error if we passed in an undefined value (that is however a fine design decision if you want to do so).

This only answers OPs original question.

Option 4: (continuation of 2016 edit)

This should work with most objects:

const STRICT_EQUALITY_BROKEN = (a,b)=> a===b;
const STRICT_EQUALITY_NO_NAN = (a,b)=> {
    if (typeof a=='number' && typeof b=='number' && ''+a=='NaN' && ''+b=='NaN')
        // isNaN does not do what you think; see +/-Infinity
        return true;
        return a===b;
function deepEquals(a,b, areEqual=STRICT_EQUALITY_NO_NAN, setElementsAreEqual=STRICT_EQUALITY_NO_NAN) {
    /* compares objects hierarchically using the provided 
       notion of equality (defaulting to ===);
       supports Arrays, Objects, Maps, ArrayBuffers */
    if (a instanceof Array && b instanceof Array)
        return arraysEqual(a,b, areEqual);
    if (Object.getPrototypeOf(a)===Object.prototype && Object.getPrototypeOf(b)===Object.prototype)
        return objectsEqual(a,b, areEqual);
    if (a instanceof Map && b instanceof Map)
        return mapsEqual(a,b, areEqual);        
    if (a instanceof Set && b instanceof Set) {
        if (setElementsAreEqual===STRICT_EQUALITY_NO_NAN)
            return setsEqual(a,b);
            throw "Error: set equality by hashing not implemented because cannot guarantee custom notion of equality is transitive without programmer intervention."
    if ((a instanceof ArrayBuffer || ArrayBuffer.isView(a)) && (b instanceof ArrayBuffer || ArrayBuffer.isView(b)))
        return typedArraysEqual(a,b);
    return areEqual(a,b);  // see note[1] -- IMPORTANT

function arraysEqual(a,b, areEqual) {
    if (a.length!=b.length)
        return false;
    for(var i=0; i<a.length; i++)
        if (!deepEquals(a[i],b[i], areEqual))
            return false;
    return true;
function objectsEqual(a,b, areEqual) {
    var aKeys = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(a);
    var bKeys = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(b);
    if (aKeys.length!=bKeys.length)
        return false;
    for(var i=0; i<aKeys.length; i++)
        if (!areEqual(aKeys[i],bKeys[i])) // keys must be strings
            return false;
    return deepEquals(>a[k]),>b[k]), areEqual);
function mapsEqual(a,b, areEqual) { // assumes Map's keys use the '===' notion of equality, which is also the assumption of .has and .get methods in the spec; however, Map's values use our notion of the areEqual parameter
    if (a.size!=b.size)
        return false;
    return [...a.keys()].every(k=> 
        b.has(k) && deepEquals(a.get(k), b.get(k), areEqual)
function setsEqual(a,b) {
    // see discussion in below rest of StackOverflow answer
    return a.size==b.size && [...a.keys()].every(k=> 
function typedArraysEqual(a,b) {
    // we use the obvious notion of equality for binary data
    a = new Uint8Array(a);
    b = new Uint8Array(b);
    if (a.length != b.length)
        return false;
    for(var i=0; i<a.length; i++)
        if (a[i]!=b[i])
            return false;
    return true;
Demo (not extensively tested):

var nineTen = new Float32Array(2);
nineTen[0]=9; nineTen[1]=10;

> deepEquals(
    [[1,[2,3]], 4, {a:5,'111':6}, new Map([['c',7],['d',8]]), nineTen],
    [[1,[2,3]], 4, {111:6,a:5}, new Map([['d',8],['c',7]]), nineTen]

> deepEquals(
    [[1,[2,3]], 4, {a:'5','111':6}, new Map([['c',7],['d',8]]), nineTen],
    [[1,[2,3]], 4, {111:6,a:5}, new Map([['d',8],['c',7]]), nineTen],

Note that if one is using the == notion of equality, then know that falsey values and coercion means that == equality is NOT TRANSITIVE. For example ''==0 and 0=='0' but ''!='0'. This is relevant for Sets: I do not think one can override the notion of Set equality in a meaningful way. If one is using the built-in notion of Set equality (that is, ===), then the above should work. However if one uses a non-transitive notion of equality like ==, you open a can of worms: Even if you forced the user to define a hash function on the domain (hash(a)!=hash(b) implies a!=b) I'm not sure that would help... Certainly one could do the O(N^2) performance thing and remove pairs of == items one by one like a bubble sort, and then do a second O(N^2) pass to confirm things in equivalence classes are actually == to each other, and also != to everything not thus paired, but you'd STILL have to throw a runtime error if you have some coercion going on... You'd also maybe get weird (but potentially not that weird) edge cases with and Truthy values (with the exception that NaN==NaN... but just for Sets!). This is not an issue usually with most Sets of homogenous datatype.

To summarize the complexity of recursive equality on Sets:

  • Set equality is the tree isomorphism problem but a bit simpler
  • set A =? set B being synonymous with B.has(k) for every k in A implicitly uses ===-equality ([1,2,3]!==[1,2,3]), not recursive equality (deepEquals([1,2,3],[1,2,3]) == true), so two new Set([[1,2,3]]) would not be equal because we don't recurse
  • trying to get recursive equality to work is kind of meaningless if the recursive notion of equality you use is not 1) reflexive (a=b implies b=a) and 2) symmetric (a=a) and 3) transitive (a=b and b=c implies a=c); this is the definition of an equivalence class
  • the equality == operator obviously does not obey many of these properties
  • even the strict equality === operator in ecmascript does not obey these properties, because the strict equality comparison algorithm of ecmascript has NaN!=NaN; this is why many native datatypes like Set and Map 'equate' NaNs to consider them the same values when they appear as keys
  • As long as we force and ensure recursive set equality is indeed transitive and reflexive and symmetric, we can make sure nothing horribly wrong happens.
    • Then, we can do O(N^2) comparisons by recursively comparing everything randomly, which is incredibly inefficient. There is no magical algorithm that lets us do setKeys.sort((a,b)=> /*some comparison function*/) because there is no total ordering in ecmascript (''==0 and 0=='0', but ''!='0'... though I believe you might be able to define one yourself which would certainly be a lofty goal).
    • We can however .toStringify or JSON.stringify all elements to assist us. We will then sort them, which gives us equivalence classes (two same things won't not have the same string JSON representation) of potentially-false-positives (two different things may have the same string or JSON representation).
      • However, this introduces its own performance issues because serializing the same thing, then serializing subsets of that thing, over and over, is incredibly inefficient. Imagine a tree of nested Sets; every node would belong to O(depth) different serializations!
      • Even if that was not an issue, the worst-case performance would still be O(N!) if all the serializations 'hints' were the same

Thus, the above implementation declares that Sets are equal if the items are just plain === (not recursively ===). This will mean that it will return false for new Set([1,2,3]) and new Set([1,2,3]). With a bit of effort, you may rewrite that part of the code if you know what you're doing.

(sidenote: Maps are es6 dictionaries. I can't tell if they have O(1) or O(log(N)) lookup performance, but in any case they are 'ordered' in the sense that they keep track of the order in which key-value pairs were inserted into them. However, the semantic of whether two Maps should be equal if elements were inserted in a different order into them is ambiguous. I give a sample implementation below of a deepEquals that considers two maps equal even if elements were inserted into them in a different order.)

(note [1]: IMPORTANT: NOTION OF EQUALITY: You may want to override the noted line with a custom notion of equality, which you'll also have to change in the other functions anywhere it appears. For example, do you or don't you want NaN==NaN? By default this is not the case. There are even more weird things like 0=='0'. Do you consider two objects to be the same if and only if they are the same object in memory? See . You should document the notion of equality you use.) Also note that other answers which naively use .toString and .sort may sometimes fall pray to the fact that 0!=-0 but are considered equal and canonicalizable to 0 for almost all datatypes and JSON serialization; whether -0==0 should also be documented in your notion of equality, as well as most other things in that table like NaN, etc.

You should be able to extend the above to WeakMaps, WeakSets. Not sure if it makes sense to extend to DataViews. Should also be able to extend to RegExps probably, etc.

As you extend it, you realize you do lots of unnecessary comparisons. This is where the type function that I defined way earlier (solution #2) can come in handy; then you can dispatch instantly. Whether that is worth the overhead of (possibly? not sure how it works under the hood) string representing the type is up to you. You can just then rewrite the dispatcher, i.e. the function deepEquals, to be something like:

var dispatchTypeEquals = {
    number: function(a,b) {...a==b...},
    array: function(a,b) {...deepEquals(x,y)...},
function deepEquals(a,b) {
    var typeA = extractType(a);
    var typeB = extractType(a);
    return typeA==typeB && dispatchTypeEquals[typeA](a,b);

Solution 3:

jQuery does not have a method for comparing arrays. However the Underscore library (or the comparable Lodash library) does have such a method: isEqual, and it can handle a variety of other cases (like object literals) as well. To stick to the provided example:

var a=[1,2,3];
var b=[3,2,1];
var c=new Array(1,2,3);

alert(_.isEqual(a, b) + "|" + _.isEqual(b, c));

By the way: Underscore has lots of other methods that jQuery is missing as well, so it's a great complement to jQuery.

EDIT: As has been pointed out in the comments, the above now only works if both arrays have their elements in the same order, ie.:

_.isEqual([1,2,3], [1,2,3]); // true
_.isEqual([1,2,3], [3,2,1]); // false

Fortunately Javascript has a built in method for for solving this exact problem, sort:

_.isEqual([1,2,3].sort(), [3,2,1].sort()); // true

Solution 4:

For primitive values like numbers and strings this is an easy solution:

a = [1,2,3]

b = [3,2,1]

a.sort().toString() == b.sort().toString() 

The call to sort() will ensure that the order of the elements does not matter. The toString() call will create a string with the values comma separated so both strings can be tested for equality.