Comparison between NewRelic and Azure Insights

Solution 1:

There are many feature differences between the two products and such comparisons are usually subjective in nature. The following key themes are noted by customers as particular strengths of App Insights, when compared to New Relic:

  • Developer-centric approach - SDK that rides with an app (as opposed to an agent installed aside of an app), provides better flexibility and control for developers; easier support for deployment, auto-scaling. See more here
  • Rich, open sourced SDKs – see here
  • Integrated with Visual Studio & Azure Developer Workflow
  • Single product to collect and correlate all 360 degree data, including integrated Usage Analytics (beyond RUM) and Log Search; powerful and intuitive multi-dimensional analysis with drill-through into raw data
  • Cloud friendlier pricing model

(Disclaimer: the answerer lists themselves as "Architect in Visual Studio Application Insights team".)