I am having trouble with the "Lore" tag

The Lore tag be applied to the item, inside the display tag, inside a data tag

e.g. /setblock ~1 ~ ~ chest 0 replace {Items:[{tag:{display:{Lore:["Just in case you fall! ;)"]}},id:water_bucket,Slot:13,Count:1}]}

Looking at the Wiki page, the correct syntax for Lore is the below:

{display:{Name:"name here",color:,Lore:["lore here", "lore here"]}}

The same page also states that Lore is used within display and uses a String value type. If you want to use a different color for the lore text, you'll need to supply the hexadecimal value. A converter can be found here.

I think part of your issue is you include a ; in what seems like an odd spot, and right after that you also have a ) that doesn't seem to link up to a ( anywhere. Both of those characters however are part of the Lore text because of the quotations, and unless they need to be escape in some way, they should just be rendered as text. But I think the main issue is you do not use display in anyway.