MacBook Pro 2017 Geekbench Before and After Spectre and Meltdown Patch

I was just wanting to see the impact on speed due to the patches for the recent Intel CPU Bugs.

I have run the update already, but was wondering if someone could run a Geekbench test on macOS 10.13.1 and 10.13.2 for a by-the-numbers comparison to how the CPU ran before and after the update (preferably on a 15” 2017 machine)

Industry testing is/has already been done and will continue as this issue is flushed out. According to a just released press release directly from Intel, Industry Testing Shows Recently Released Security Updates Not Impacting Performance in Real-World Deployments, the following OEMs/Manufactures have stated the following:

Apple: “Our testing with public benchmarks has shown that the changes in the December 2017 updates resulted in no measurable reduction in the performance of macOS and iOS as measured by the GeekBench 4 benchmark, or in common Web browsing benchmarks such as Speedometer, JetStream, and ARES-6.

Microsoft: “The majority of Azure customers should not see a noticeable performance impact with this update. We’ve worked to optimize the CPU and disk I/O path and are not seeing noticeable performance impact after the fix has been applied.”

Amazon: “We have not observed meaningful performance impact for the overwhelming majority of EC2 workloads.”

Google: “On most of our workloads, including our cloud infrastructure, we see negligible impact on performance.”

Apple also goes on to further expand on the testing stating that:

Our current testing indicates that the upcoming Safari mitigations will have no measurable impact on the Speedometer and ARES-6 tests and an impact of less than 2.5% on the JetStream benchmark.