In React Native, how do I put a view on top of another view, with part of it lying outside the bounds of the view behind?
Add the following style to the "floating" view:
position: 'absolute'
You may also need to add a top
and left
value for positioning.
The above solutions were not working for me. I solved it by creating a View with the same background colour as the parent and added negative margin to move the image upwards.
<ScrollView style={{ backgroundColor: 'blue' }}>
width: '95%',
paddingLeft: '5%',
marginTop: 80,
height: 800,
<View style={{ backgroundColor: 'white' }}>
<Thumbnail square large source={{uri: uri}} style={{ marginTop: -30 }}/>
<Text>Some Text</Text>
and I got the following result.
You can use zIndex
for placing a view on top of another. It works like the CSS z-index property - components with a larger zIndex
will render on top.
You can refer: Layout Props
<StatusBar backgroundColor="black" barStyle="light-content" />
<Image style={styles.headerImage} source={{ uri: "" }}>
<View style={styles.back}>
<Icons name="arrow-back" size={25} color="#ffffff" />
<Image style={styles.subHeaderImage} borderRadius={55} source={{ uri: "" }} />
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
container: {
flex: 1,
backgroundColor: "white"
headerImage: {
height: height(150),
width: deviceWidth
subHeaderImage: {
height: 110,
width: 110,
marginTop: height(35),
marginLeft: width(25),
borderColor: "white",
borderWidth: 2,
zIndex: 5