Running conda with proxy

I'm using Anaconda 2.7 on windows, and my internet connection uses a proxy.

Previously, when using python 2.7 (Not Anaconda), I installed package like this:

pip install {packagename} --proxy

Is there a way to run conda with proxy argument? didn't see it in conda help.


Solution 1:

You can configure a proxy with conda by adding it to the .condarc, like

    http: http://user:[email protected]:8080
    https: https://user:[email protected]:8080

or set the HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY environment variables. Note that in your case you need to add the scheme to the proxy url, like


Solution 2:

Or you can use the command line below from version 4.4.x.

conda config --set proxy_servers.http http://id:pw@address:port
conda config --set proxy_servers.https https://id:pw@address:port

Solution 3:

One mistake I was making was saving the file as a.condarc or b.condarc.

Save it only as .condarc and paste the following code in the file and save the file in your home directory. Make necessary changes to hostname, user etc.

- defaults

show_channel_urls: True
allow_other_channels: True

    http: http://user:pass@hostname:port
    https: http://user:pass@hostname:port

ssl_verify: False

Solution 4:

The best way I settled with is to set proxy environment variables right before using conda or pip install/update commands. Simply run:

set HTTP_PROXY=http://username:password@proxy_url:port

For example, your actual command could be like

set HTTP_PROXY=http://yourname:[email protected]

If your company uses https proxy, then also

set HTTPS_PROXY=https://username:password@proxy_url:port

Once you exit Anaconda prompt then this setting is gone, so your username/password won't be saved after the session.

I didn't choose other methods mentioned in Anaconda documentation or some other sources, because they all require hardcoding of username/password into

  • Windows environment variables (also this requires restart of Anaconda prompt for the first time)
  • Conda .condarc or .netrc configuration files (also this won't work for PIP)
  • A batch/script file loaded while starting Anaconda prompt (also this might require configuring the path)

All of these are unsafe and will require constant update later. And if you forget where to update? More troubleshooting will come your way...

Solution 5:

I was able to get it working without putting in the username and password:

conda config --set proxy_servers.https https://address:port