Combine `Get-Disk` info and `LogicalDisk` info in PowerShell?

I have this query which scans all logical disks information :

Write-Host "Drive information for $env:ComputerName"

Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_LogicalDisk |
    Where-Object {$_.DriveType -ne 5} |
    Sort-Object -Property Name | 
    Select-Object Name, VolumeName, VolumeSerialNumber,SerialNumber, FileSystem, Description, VolumeDirty, `
        @{"Label"="DiskSize(GB)";"Expression"={"{0:N}" -f ($_.Size/1GB) -as [float]}}, `
        @{"Label"="FreeSpace(GB)";"Expression"={"{0:N}" -f ($_.FreeSpace/1GB) -as [float]}}, `
        @{"Label"="%Free";"Expression"={"{0:N}" -f ($_.FreeSpace/$_.Size*100) -as [float]}} |
    Format-Table -AutoSize

The output is :

enter image description here

However - I'm after the physical disks information and their partitions / volume information :

So - for physical disks I have this command :


Result :

enter image description here

Question :

I want to combine between those 2 commands . I want to see the Disk , and below each disk - its logical disk information :

  • Disk Number 1 : ....(info)
    >Its logical disks info.....
  • Disk Number 2 : ....(info)
    >It's logical disks info.....
  • Disk Number 3 : ....(info)
    >It's logical disks info.....
  • etc...

How can I combine between those 2 queries ?

Solution 1:

You need to query several WMI classes to get all information you want.

  • Win32_DiskDrive gives you information about the physical disks.
  • Win32_DiskPartition gives you information about the partitions on the physical disks.
  • Win32_LogicalDisk gives you information about the filesystems inside the partitions.

Partitions can be mapped to their disks using the Win32_DiskDriveToDiskPartition class, and drives can be mapped to their partitions via the Win32_LogicalDiskToPartition class.

Get-WmiObject Win32_DiskDrive | ForEach-Object {
  $disk = $_
  $partitions = "ASSOCIATORS OF " +
                "{Win32_DiskDrive.DeviceID='$($disk.DeviceID)'} " +
                "WHERE AssocClass = Win32_DiskDriveToDiskPartition"
  Get-WmiObject -Query $partitions | ForEach-Object {
    $partition = $_
    $drives = "ASSOCIATORS OF " +
              "{Win32_DiskPartition.DeviceID='$($partition.DeviceID)'} " +
              "WHERE AssocClass = Win32_LogicalDiskToPartition"
    Get-WmiObject -Query $drives | ForEach-Object {
      New-Object -Type PSCustomObject -Property @{
        Disk        = $disk.DeviceID
        DiskSize    = $disk.Size
        DiskModel   = $disk.Model
        Partition   = $partition.Name
        RawSize     = $partition.Size
        DriveLetter = $_.DeviceID
        VolumeName  = $_.VolumeName
        Size        = $_.Size
        FreeSpace   = $_.FreeSpace

Solution 2:

How about like this...

Get-CimInstance Win32_Diskdrive -PipelineVariable disk |
Get-CimAssociatedInstance -ResultClassName Win32_DiskPartition -pv partition |
Get-CimAssociatedInstance -ResultClassName Win32_LogicalDisk |
Select-Object @{n='Disk';e={$disk.deviceid}},


Disk        : \\.\PHYSICALDRIVE0
DiskSize    : 128034708480
DiskModel   : SAMSUNG MZ7PC128HAFU-000L5
Partition   : Disk #0, Partition #0
RawSize     : 128034595328
DriveLetter : C:
VolumeName  : DISK
Size        : 128034594816
FreeSpace   : 7023042560

Unfortunately this doesn't work with more than one drive. Get-cimassociatedinstance blocks like sort-object, and only the latest pipeline variable is set. Here's a workaround:

Get-CimInstance Win32_Diskdrive -PipelineVariable disk |
% { Get-CimAssociatedInstance $_ -ResultClass Win32_DiskPartition -pv partition}|
% { Get-CimAssociatedInstance $_ -ResultClassName Win32_LogicalDisk } |
Select-Object @{n='Disk';e={$disk.deviceid}},

Disk        : \\.\PHYSICALDRIVE0
DiskSize    : 128034708480
DiskModel   : SAMSUNG MZ7PC128HAFU-000L5
Partition   : Disk #0, Partition #0
RawSize     : 128034595328
DriveLetter : C:
VolumeName  : DISK
Size        : 128034594816
FreeSpace   : 4226514944

Disk        : \\.\PHYSICALDRIVE1
DiskSize    : 7797565440
DiskModel   : USB Flash Memory USB Device
Partition   : Disk #1, Partition #0
RawSize     : 7801405440
DriveLetter : E:
VolumeName  : WINPE
Size        : 7784628224
FreeSpace   : 7222669312

Solution 3:

Inspired js2010's answer, with some enhancements:

For instance, the Manufacturer field seems to have some a placeholder value when retrieved from the Win32_DiskDrive instance, but has the proper value when using the Get-Disk commandlet.

function Get-Drive {

  foreach($disk in Get-CimInstance Win32_Diskdrive) {

    $diskMetadata = Get-Disk | Where-Object { $_.Number -eq $disk.Index } | Select-Object -First 1

    $partitions = Get-CimAssociatedInstance -ResultClassName Win32_DiskPartition -InputObject $disk

    foreach($partition in $partitions) {

      $drives = Get-CimAssociatedInstance -ResultClassName Win32_LogicalDisk -InputObject $partition

      foreach($drive in $drives) {

        $totalSpace = [math]::Round($drive.Size / 1GB, 3)
        $freeSpace  = [math]::Round($drive.FreeSpace / 1GB, 3)
        $usedSpace  = [math]::Round($totalSpace - $freeSpace, 3)

        $volume     = Get-Volume |
                      Where-Object { $_.DriveLetter -eq $drive.DeviceID.Trim(":") } |
                      Select-Object -First 1

        [PSCustomObject] @{
                            DriveLetter   = $drive.DeviceID
                            Number        = $disk.Index

                            Label         = $volume.FileSystemLabel
                            Manufacturer  = $diskMetadata.Manufacturer
                            Model         = $diskMetadata.Model
                            SerialNumber  = $diskMetadata.SerialNumber.Trim() 
                            Name          = $disk.Caption

                            FileSystem    = $volume.FileSystem
                            PartitionKind = $diskMetadata.PartitionStyle

                            TotalSpace    = $totalSpace
                            FreeSpace     = $freeSpace
                            UsedSpace     = $usedSpace

                            Drive         = $drive
                            Partition     = $partition
                            Disk          = $disk


Example Usages:

Get-Drive | Format-List
Get-Drive | Where-Object { $_.DriveLetter -eq 'G:' }


DriveLetter   : G:
Number        : 5
Label         : SE-LXY2-298GB
Manufacturer  : Seagate
Model         : FreeAgent Go
SerialNumber  : 2GE45CK1
Name          : Seagate FreeAgent Go USB Device
FileSystem    : NTFS
PartitionKind : MBR
TotalSpace    : 298.089
FreeSpace     : 297.865
UsedSpace     : 0.224
Drive         : Win32_LogicalDisk: G: (DeviceID = "G:")
Partition     : Win32_DiskPartition: Disk #5, Partition #0 (DeviceID = "Disk #5, Partition #0")
Disk          : Win32_DiskDrive: Seagate FreeAgent Go USB Device (DeviceID = "\\.\PHYSICALDRIVE5")