What would be a good way to memorize theorems about algebra?

Solution 1:

My two cents: during all my university studies and after that, the best method I've ever had to study and memorize is to teach an imaginary class what I'm trying to grasp...over and over until I could actually teach that piece of stuff to a real class.

This imaginary class poses tough questions, asks for examples and counter-examples, analyzes each tiny aspect of what's been taught, and you as the teacher must be able to address and give satisfactory answers and insights.

Big secret: keep by your side several books on the subject (tablets now are incredibly handy for this), which you'll consult constantly until you're able to give an AAA lecture to your imaginary class on the subject being taught.

Last one big secret: be tough on yourself and demand from yourself excellency while doing this "teaching".

Solution 2:

Step 1 : Prove the Theorem.

Step 2 : Apply the Fibonacci sequence to represent how many days AFTER you will prove the theorem AGAIN.

Step 3 : After every 5 Fibonacci numbers if you cannot remember the theorem, start over the Fibonacci sequence until you remember it for life, otherwise continue the sequence until you feel comfortable remembering it.