How can I download Youtube videos? [closed]

Solution 1:

YouTube often changes their system, breaking such tools (probably deliberately) which means that the tools in the repositories quickly become out of date.

I recommend downloading the latest version:

wget --no-check-certificate

then running:

python youtube-dl URL

to download a video.

Solution 2:

1 - xviservicethief :

2 - Minitube :

3 - FatRat : available in the software center

4 - slimrat : available in the software center

5 - Jdownloader

Solution 3:

You can use Mobile Media Converter, which will do this task with ease in 32 bit systems.

The producers haven't delivered yet a 64 bit version, but the 32 bit will download videos for youtube as in a native 32 bit system.

Nowadays they have released a 64 bit version right here.

Additionally, take a look at this:

Pasted here for your convenience:

If you are interested on obtaining the video take a look at this, other way look into another answer in order to see if you can solve your problem with youtube-dl. Thank you.

Notwithstanding that youtube-dl is great in a terminal, there are several ways to gather the videos from the youtube buffer, one of which is the usage of totem in order to play the video and then extract the buffered video from the /tmp folder.

In the past (and depending on how updated is your system: maybe your case), the buffered videos were saved into the /tmp folder also by some browsers (Google Chrome and Chromium Browser tested by me), but somehow after updating that behaviour simply stopped.

When watching the videos or simply by open it to allow the buffer to increase via web browser, now they are saved into the /home/USERNAME/.cache/google-chrome/Default/Cache folder. (where USERNAME is your username or home folder name).

As I said before, the usage of totem is yet observing this behaviour.

Solution 4:

I use clipgrab. I've only even been able to get it to work with Youtube, even though it claims to work with other sites. It has, however, never failed to download a Youtube video. Not sure how well it'll work on a 64 bit system.

Solution 5:

I use a launcher for running this script.


FLASH_TMP=`ls /tmp | grep Flash*`

if [[ $FLASH_TMP ]]; then 
    vlc /tmp/Flash*
    if [[ `ps x | awk '/\ /{print $1}'` ]]; then
        flashvids() { lsof -p `ps x | awk '/\ /{print $1}'` -n 2>/dev/null | perl -lne '@F = split(/ +/, $_, 9); print "/proc/$F[1]/fd/${\($F[3] =~ /(^\d+)/)[0]}" if $F[4] eq "REG" && $F[8] =~ /\(deleted\)$/'; }
        flashvids() { lsof -p `ps x | awk '/\ /{print $1}'` -n 2>/dev/null | perl -lne '@F = split(/ +/, $_, 9); print "/proc/$F[1]/fd/${\($F[3] =~ /(^\d+)/)[0]}" if $F[4] eq "REG" && $F[8] =~ /\(deleted\)$/'; }

    NOW=$(date +"%b-%d-%Y-%T")
    echo $WHERE
    cp $(flashvids) $WHERE
    notify-send -i /home/ashfame/Dropbox/Ubuntu/icons/devil.png "Flash Video saved!" "It was named flash-video-$NOW.flv"
    vlc $(flashvids)

Just change the locations as per your machine, make it executable and create a launcher pointing to it. Now whenever you run it, it will save the flash video (it will work for many sites other than youtube too) & open up the video in vlc. If you run it in between of the video being streamed, the video till that point will be saved and played in the player. So, if you just want to watch it, press as soon as you play & then pause the video or run it in the last.

It was originally only for viewing (found at, but with some extra efforts, it saves them too.