'No such module' when I use CocoaPods

So here's my procedure. I create a new Podfile in the project directory, then I added the following

platform :ios, '9.0'

target 'CPod' do
pod 'AFNetworking', '~> 2.5'
pod 'ORStackView', '~> 2.0'
pod 'SwiftyJSON', '~> 2.1'

I fire off pod install, and everything goes well, open up the xcworkspace. I then go over to ViewController.swift and if I try to import a pod I get No such module 'SwiftyJSON', if I were to do import SwiftyJSON. Any ideas?

EDIT: SwiftyJSON is a Swift based module, not Obj-C

Solution 1:

Try adding the Pods framework to your build scheme and building the framework. After you've built it, build/run your project.


  1. Scheme menu > Manage Schemes > check Pods > Close manage

    enter image description here

  2. Select Pods from the scheme menu.
  3. Build Pods.
  4. Select your project from the same menu, then build/run it.

Solution 2:

You must reopen project .xcworkspace file(not .xcodeproj) after install your podfile.

  1. Clone the repo with CocoaPods
  2. Open YourWorkspace/YourApplication.xcworkspace
  3. Select the app u want to run Add SwiftyJSON.framework in embedded binaries for that project Hit Run

Happy Coding :)

Solution 3:

You may also try re-installing pods using:

pod deintegrate

and then

pod install

This fixed this issue for me

Solution 4:

Press Command+Option+Shift+K and then Run your app, you will see a magic.

Or from the menu -> Product, press Option on your keyboard and you'll see Clean Build Folder.

It's looking funny that how could Xcode do those things with us but same thing happened to me when I used a Swift library using Pod and after too much struggle I ended up with Clean Build Folder.