What's the data value ID for mossy stone brick and cracked stone brick?

Do you guy know the ID for those twos ?

enter image description hereenter image description here

Can't find it in the data value JPEG on wiki minecraft ...

Solution 1:

The ID for both of them is 98 (decimal), same as the normal Stone Brick. Like different color wool blocks, their appearance is decided by their damage value (981 for the Mossy Stone Brick, 982 for Cracked Stone Brick).

The Minecraft wiki has an updated list of data values.

Solution 2:

Data Values

98:0 for the stone bricks, 98:1 for mossy and 98:2 for cracked, where the number after the colon is the 'damage' value. Other blocks that have different types such as leaves and half-blocks work this way too.