Search AD by GUID
Solution 1:
Either on a DC or install RSAT and enable AD Tools:
Open "Active Director Module for Windows PowerShell" (find it in with the other Admin tools)
get-aduser -id {guid}
Or for any object:
get-adobject -id {guid}
Might want to pipe it through a format-list
to make it readable:
get-adobject -id {guid} | fl
Solution 2:
Using Powershell and the QuestAD cmdlets, the following code returns my user account based on my guid.
$Guid = "d65e4578-475a-422e-ac99-123456789012"
Get-QADUser -IncludeAllProperties|Where {$_.guid -eq $Guid}
Not the most efficient manner since it loads all objects from AD while doing the search, but it worked for me.
Solution 3:
$guid = "d65e4578-475a-422e-ac99-123456789012"
foreach ($dom in (Get-adforest).Domains) { Get-ADObject -filter {ObjectGUID -eq $guid } -Properties * -Server $dom | fl }