Transferring Gameboy Files From Phone To Computer

it's really quite easy to transfer your saved files from phone to pc and back. I plan on making a short tutorial video on how to do so since I've managed to get it down to a T, doing it in just 3 minutes even WITHOUT a cable to connect the my device to the pc.

One thing to note, you might wanna get a hold of the latest version of basic VisualBoyAdvance for your comp instead of another version like VBA-M if you're not so computer savvy. other versions are built with specific purposes and tend to have more advanced options but that's entirely up to you and should still work with these instructions.

To transfer from your phone:

  1. Simply save whatever game playing from within the game, (not save state as that can only be read by your phone's emulator) saving the game creates a '.sav' file on your phone with the name of that game attached. (.sav is your general standard of flash memory save game files for Game Boy and related Nintendo emulators.)

  2. Locate the .sav file on your phone. You can do this either on the computer after connecting your device, or through your 'file manager' app (maybe called 'files' on some phones). Whether on your SD card or your phone storage, it's typically found in the \MyBoy\ folder. In your case, the file should look something like "Pokemon Ruby.sav"

  3. Transfer it to pc. I normally just select it, hit share, and upload it to my Google Drive to carry it over (mostly cause my phone isn't very FTP friendly), but in your case, you can plug you're phone cable into the computer and refer back to step 2. find the .sav file through your pc. Go ahead and place it on the Desktop or anywhere you'll be able to find it.

  4. Get it on VisualBoyAdvance. Open VBA and load your game (make sure it's the same .zip or .gba game file used on your phone). When the game is loaded, go to Options > Emulator > save type, and be sure the box next to "automatic" is checked. Then go to File > Import, and find your .sav file, (on the desktop or where you put it) and the game will restart with you're file from the phone.

Hope this helps you! I'll be sure to post my video here when I ever get around to it.