What Trainer level is necessary to complete the last tournament?

In Magikarp Jump, you can get higher max level when you level up.

What Magikarp level is needed to beat the last tournament, and so what trainer level do you need to beat that tournament?

Solution 1:

Original - for version 1.02:

Per Serebii, the highest JP you will encounter in an opponent is 58.1M JP (final karp in Expert League 3). This is achievable with a level 60 Magikarp (see list of MagiKarp JP/Level) to win without a support boost.

A level 59 Magikarp (max JP 52k) could win with a 25% support boost, but not with a 5%.

Edit for 1.1.0 Update (adding Heal League):

The new maximum for the Heal League is 135,188,472, which is apparently nearly identical to the Level 66 maximum of 135,188,474, according to Serebii. I'm not sure how accurate the numbers are at the bottom (you can only see "135M") so it's unclear how they know the precise values, and it's possible you'll need to actually be level 67. It could be beaten at +25% at the level 65 maximum.

The new maximum for Expert League 3 is 430,524,767, slightly lower than the Level 73 maximum (which is the new overall maximum). It could be beaten at +25% at the level 72 maximum.