Numbers fill color

In Numbers is there a way to set a fill color to repeatedly select for random cells, such as in Excel? I am not looking for a conditional formatting. I would like to color fill any cell I choose without having to go into the cell fill option and re-select the color for each individual cell.

Although Numbers handles formatting differently from Excel, it is possible to apply the cell style to additional cells without going back to the color picker. Note that this applies all styles from the original cell. This method pastes only the styling not the data. It will have no affect on the actual data in the cell.

Apply your selected color to a cell. If there is other formatting you wish to apply and repeat, do so. (Bold text, borders etc)

  • Select the formatted cell and then copy the format [Format > Copy Style] or C

  • Select the cell(s) you wish to apply the formatting to then paste the formatting [Format > Paste Style] V

Alternatively, one can add buttons to the toolbar as well.

Copy Paste Style

Paste formatting