How much loot can you gain per day?

The amount of loot (Gold and Elixir) that you earn per attack is based on the number of trophies you currently have. As of May 26th 2017, the known loot amounts for Gold and Elixir, per trophy level are:

 Trophies | 1 & 2 Attacks | 3rd Attack |      Total
        0 |        10,000 |     25,000 |     45,000
      200 |        15,000 |     30,000 |     60,000
      300 |        20,000 |     35,000 |     75,000
      400 |        25,000 |     40,000 |     90,000
      500 |        30,000 |     45,000 |    105,000
      600 |        35,000 |     50,000 |    120,000
      700 |        40,000 |     55,000 |    135,000
      800 |        45,000 |     60,000 |    150,000
      900 |        50,000 |     70,000 |    170,000
    1,000 |        60,000 |     80,000 |    200,000
    1,200 |        65,000 |     85,000 |    215,000
    1,400 |        70,000 |     90,000 |    230,000
    1,600 |        75,000 |    100,000 |    250,000
    1,800 |        80,000 |    110,000 |    270,000
    2,000 |        90,000 |    120,000 |    300,000

Your current loot levels can be confirmed by:

  1. Pressing the "Attack" button from your Builder Base.
  2. On the "Wins" panel (Below the "Versus Battle" panel), click the blue info (i) icon.

Just take care not to press the "Get More Now" gem button when doing so! They are VERY close together.