The password policy is ... valid?

What do you say when a password policy is valid? accepted? fullfilled?


"Password policy: The password is required to be at least 12 characters long."

"Password policy failed - the password does not count enough characters."

"Password policy [...looking for the word here!....], the password is long enough."

In German I'd say (past participle)

Die (Passwort-) Richtlinie wurde eingehalten.

Solution 1:

You could either say,

  • Password Policy Met

    Fulfil or satisfy (a need, requirement, or condition)


  • Password Policy Satisfied

    Adequately meet or comply with (a condition, obligation, or demand)


Both are past participles of meet and satisfy respectively.

Solution 2:

Valid is correct and often used. Why not that? You can also use invalid for the second assertion.

sound; just; well-founded:

BTW--The phrase ".. the password does not count enough characters" should be "... the password is not long enough". Also, "Password policy failed" is wrong, since the password policy didn't fail, the entered password did. I'd try "Password invalid".