How to display a list of network shares shared by a Windows computer

I have a Windows 2008 server with various software packages installed on it.

I want to know what network shares my server is sharing (and I want to know that from within the server, not by trying to access the shares from another computer).

Does anyone know how to do that?

Start -> Run -> compmgmt.msc -> OK.

Computer Management (Local) -> System Tools -> Shared Folders -> Shares.

This will show you all the current shares on the system as well as allow you to control them, change permissions, modify access, etc.

enter image description here

UPDATE: PowerShell offers another way to quickly get all SMB shares on localhost for Windows 7/Server 2012 and later hosts:

PS D:\> get-smbshare

Name   ScopeName Path       Description
----   --------- ----       -----------
ADMIN$ *         C:\WINDOWS Remote Admin
C$     *         C:\        Default share
D$     *         D:\        Default share
E$     *         E:\        Default share
IPC$   *                    Remote IPC

From a command prompt, enter the command:

net share

This will show all shares on the system, including hidden.