Eclipse Generate Javadoc Wizard: what is "Javadoc Command"?

I want to generate the javadocs for an open-source code-base I'm using. But I'm being asked for a "Javadoc Command" by the Eclipse Generate JavaDoc wizard and the help doesn't explain what this means. Is it wanting the path to the javadoc binary/jar or something else?

Yes, presumably it wants the path to the javadoc command line tool that comes with the JDK (in the bin directory, same as java and javac).

Eclipse should be able to find it automatically; are you perhaps running it on a JRE? That would explain the request.

Yes, it is asking for the application/executable that is capable of creating Javadoc. There is a javadoc executable inside the jdk's bin folder.

You may need to add a JDK (Java Development Kit) to the installed JRE's within Eclipse

Go to Window->Preferences->Java->Installed JRE's

In the Name column if you do not have a JDK as your default, then you will need to add it.

Click the "Add" Button and locate the JDK on your machine. You may find it in this location: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.x.y
Where x and y are numbers.

If there are no JDK's installed on your machine then download and install the Java SE (Standard Edition) from the Oracle website.

Then do the steps above again. Be sure that it is set as the default JRE to use.

Then go back to the Projects->Generate Javadoc... dialog

Now it should work.

Good Luck.