the source file is different from when the module was built

Solution 1:

I got this issue running a console app where the source that was different was the source that had the entry-point (static void Main). Deleting the bin and obj directories and doing a full rebuild seemed to correct this, but every time I made a code change, it would go out-of-date again.

The reason I found for this was:

  1. I had checked "Only build startup projects and dependencies on Run" (Tools -> Options -> Projects and Solutions -> Build and Run)
  2. In Configuration Manager, my start-up project didn't have "Build" checked

(For #2 -> accessible via the toolbar under the 'Debug/Release' drop down list.)

Solution 2:

I was just having this same problem, my projects were all in the same solution so they were using Project to Project references, so as one changed the others should have been updated. However it was not the case, I tried to build, rebuild, close VS2010, pulled a new copy from our source control. None of this worked, what I finally ended up trying was right clicking on the project and rebuilding each project individually. That updated the .dlls and .pdb files so I could debug through.

The issue here is that your dll and or your pdb files are not in sync.

Solution 3:

Follow these steps

  1. Just delete the bin directory from the project where the DLL is generated.
  2. Re-build the project.
  3. Remove reference from the project that make reference to the DLL.
  4. Include again the reference.
  5. Enjoy.

Solution 4:

In addition to these answers I had the same issue while replacing new DLLs with old ones because of the wrong path. If you are still getting this error you may not refer the wrong path for the DLLs. Go to IIS manager and click the website which uses your DLLs. On the right window click Advanced Settings and go to path of the Physical Path folder on File Explorer and be sure that you are using this folder to replace your DLLs.

Solution 5:

Some things for you to check:

Have you double checked your project references?

Do you have a Visual Studio started web server still running? Check the system tray and look for a page with a cog icon (you may have more than one):

alt text

Right click and close/exit it. You may have more than one. Can you debug your changes now?

Are you running the debug version but have only built the release version (or vice versa)?

Did the compile actually succeed? I know I've clicked through the "there were errors, do you want to continue anyway?" message a couple of times without realising.