React Native - Image Require Module using Dynamic Names

Solution 1:

This is covered in the documentation under the section "Static Resources":

The only allowed way to refer to an image in the bundle is to literally write require('image!name-of-the-asset') in the source.

<Image source={require('image!my-icon')} />

// BAD
var icon = ? 'my-icon-active' : 'my-icon-inactive';
<Image source={require('image!' + icon)} />

var icon = ? require('image!my-icon-active') : require('image!my-icon-inactive');
<Image source={icon} />

However you also need to remember to add your images to an xcassets bundle in your app in Xcode, though it seems from your comment you've done that already.

Solution 2:

This worked for me :

I made a custom image component which takes in a boolean to check if the image is from web or is being passed from a local folder.

// In index.ios.js after importing the component
<CustomImage fromWeb={false} imageName={require('./images/logo.png')}/>

// In CustomImage.js which is my image component
<Image style={styles.image} source={this.props.imageName} />

If you see the code, instead of using one of these:

// NOTE: Neither of these will work
var imageName = require('../images/'+imageName)

I'm just sending the entire require('./images/logo.png') as a prop. It works!

Solution 3:


The way I hacked my way through this problem:

I created a file with an object that stored the image and the name of the image:

const images = {
  dog: {
    imgName: 'Dog', 
    uri: require('path/to/local/image')
  cat: {
    imgName: 'Cat on a Boat', 
    uri: require('path/to/local/image')

export { images };

Then I imported the object into the component where I want to use it and just do my conditional rendering like so:

import { images } from 'relative/path';

if (cond === 'cat') {
  let imgSource =;

<Image source={imgSource} />

I know it is not the most efficient way but it is definitely a workaround.

Hope it helps!