<__main__. object at 0x02C08790>

I keep getting

<__main__.Camera object at 0x02C08790>

and I don't know why.

I would like the code to go from Calc_Speed to Counter and then back to Calc_Speed basically in a loop.

class Camera():
    distance = 2
    speed_limit = 20
    number_of_cars = 0

    def Calc_Speed(self):
        registration = input("Registration Plate: ")
        start = float(input("Start time: "))
        end = float(input("End Time: "))
        speed = self.distance/(end-start)
        print(("Average Speed: ") + str(round(speed, 2)) + (" mph"))
        if speed > self.speed_limit:
            list3= [str(self.registration)]
            print("Vehicles Caught Speeding: " + str(Speeding_List))
            print("Vehicle Not Speeding")

    def Counter():
        self.number_of_cars = self.number_of_cars + 1
        print("Number Of Cars Recorded: " + str(self.number_of_cars))                                 

program = Camera()

When you just print an object, it shows the object id (like <__main__.Camera object at 0x02C08790>), which is totally indecipherable to us mortals. You can get around this by defining a __str__ or __repr__ function to display the data for the instance in a custom way.

In your case:

def __repr__(self):
    return "<__main__.Camera: distance = " + str(self.distance) + "; speed_limit = " + str(self.speed_limit) + "; number_of_cars = " + str(self.number_of_cars) + ">"

If there were an instance of Camera with the starting variable values, it would return

"<__main__.Camera: distance = 2; speed_limit = 20; number_of_cars = 0>".

The <__main__.Camera object at 0x02C08790> is the how the system remembers it, but aside from showing what type of object it is, it's mostly useless.

Rather than printing the object itself, you would want to print a function of that object. If you replaced the last line with:


The program would work more similarly to what you seem to be looking for.