Can I call a constructor from another constructor (do constructor chaining) in C++?

Solution 1:

C++11: Yes!

C++11 and onwards has this same feature (called delegating constructors).

The syntax is slightly different from C#:

class Foo {
  Foo(char x, int y) {}
  Foo(int y) : Foo('a', y) {}

C++03: No

Unfortunately, there's no way to do this in C++03, but there are two ways of simulating this:

  1. You can combine two (or more) constructors via default parameters:

    class Foo {
      Foo(char x, int y=0);  // combines two constructors (char) and (char, int)
      // ...
  2. Use an init method to share common code:

    class Foo {
      Foo(char x);
      Foo(char x, int y);
      // ...
      void init(char x, int y);
    Foo::Foo(char x)
      init(x, int(x) + 7);
      // ...
    Foo::Foo(char x, int y)
      init(x, y);
      // ...
    void Foo::init(char x, int y)
      // ...

See the C++FAQ entry for reference.

Solution 2:

No, you can't call one constructor from another in C++03 (called a delegating constructor).

This changed in C++11 (aka C++0x), which added support for the following syntax:
(example taken from Wikipedia)

class SomeType
  int number;

  SomeType(int newNumber) : number(newNumber) {}
  SomeType() : SomeType(42) {}

Solution 3:

I believe you can call a constructor from a constructor. It will compile and run. I recently saw someone do this and it ran on both Windows and Linux.

It just doesn't do what you want. The inner constructor will construct a temporary local object which gets deleted once the outer constructor returns. They would have to be different constructors as well or you would create a recursive call.


Solution 4:

C++11: Yes!

C++11 and onwards has this same feature (called delegating constructors).

The syntax is slightly different from C#:

class Foo {
  Foo(char x, int y) {}
  Foo(int y) : Foo('a', y) {}

C++03: No

It is worth pointing out that you can call the constructor of a parent class in your constructor e.g.:

 class A { /* ... */ };
    class B : public A
        B() : A()
            // ...

But, no, you can't call another constructor of the same class upto C++03.

Solution 5:

In C++11, a constructor can call another constructor overload:

class Foo  {
     int d;         
    Foo  (int i) : d(i) {}
    Foo  () : Foo(42) {} //New to C++11

Additionally, members can be initialized like this as well.

class Foo  {
     int d = 5;         
    Foo  (int i) : d(i) {}

This should eliminate the need to create the initialization helper method. And it is still recommended not calling any virtual functions in the constructors or destructors to avoid using any members that might not be initialized.