I'm using some external codes from google in my new Swift 2.0 project that required "libz.dylib" in earlier versions. After updating to the new Xcode / the new SDK.

Xcode is now unable to import the libz.dylib and throws some errors

Undefined symbols for architecture i386: "_deflate", referenced from: +[GAICompressionUtil gai_dataByCompressingBytes:length:compressionLevel:mode:] in libGoogleAnalyticsServices.a(GAICompressionUtil.o) "_deflateEnd", referenced from: +[GAICompressionUtil gai_dataByCompressingBytes:length:compressionLevel:mode:] in libGoogleAnalyticsServices.a(GAICompressionUtil.o) "deflateInit2", referenced from: +[GAICompressionUtil gai_dataByCompressingBytes:length:compressionLevel:mode:] in libGoogleAnalyticsServices.a(GAICompressionUtil.o) "_inflate", referenced from: +[GAICompressionUtil gai_dataByInflatingBytes:length:isRawData:] in libGoogleAnalyticsServices.a(GAICompressionUtil.o) "_inflateEnd", referenced from: +[GAICompressionUtil gai_dataByInflatingBytes:length:isRawData:] in libGoogleAnalyticsServices.a(GAICompressionUtil.o) "inflateInit2", referenced from: +[GAICompressionUtil gai_dataByInflatingBytes:length:isRawData:] in libGoogleAnalyticsServices.a(GAICompressionUtil.o) ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture i386 clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)

When looking through the available packages in the "build phase" settings I can find "libz.tbd" which seems to be the replacement for the libz.dylib. When importing this lib the linker error stays the same but I get this additional warning:

warning: skipping file '/Applications/Xcode-beta.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneSimulator9.0.sdk/usr/lib/libz.tbd' (unexpected file type 'text' in Frameworks & Libraries build phase)

What to do?

Solution 1:

I had the same problem. I found some kind of way around.

  1. Go to Build Phases >Link Binary with Librairies > + > Add other
  2. Once in the file selection window do "CMD"+Shift+G (Go to folder) and type /usr/lib/
  3. From /usr/lib you can add : libz.dylib and more...
  4. Compile and have fun

Solution 2:

libz.dylib is now found under libz.tbd quote from the Apple developer forums:

For those who are curious, the .tbd files are new "text-based stub libraries", that provide a much more compact version of the stub libraries for use in the SDK, and help to significantly reduce its download size.

Hopefully more documentation will be coming soon.


To clearify it, i will cite Guitz answer with the updated Content

  1. Go to Build Phases >Link Binary with Librairies > + > Add other
  2. Once in the file selection window do "CMD"+Shift+G (Go to folder) and type /usr/lib/
  3. From /user/lib you can add : libz.tbd and more...
  4. Compile and have fun

Solution 3:

Remove all dynamic libraries (dylib) from the linking with binaries phase. It will find these libraries on its own.