How to hide the [@] in a Minecraft command block [duplicate]

As most Minecraft command blocks makers know, if we use the /say command to output text, this will happen:

[@]Lorem ipsum

The [@] is actually very annoying, how can I remove it?

If you want to output text into chat without the [@] you could use the tellraw command. The tellraw command lets you output whatever you like to chat using JSON however it sends the message to a specific player or players. To make it seem like it is just going into chat you could use the @a selector where you specify the player.

Here is an example that says Lorem ipsum:

/tellraw @a {"text":"Lorem ipsum"}

To make it say something different just change the "Lorem ipsum" to what you would like the command block to say. Don't forget to put it in "quotation" marks.


the /tellraw command is an extremely powerful tool and there are many things you can do with it other than this. It is useful because it can be used to output text with formatting such as different colours, bold, italics, and on-click actions in addition to being able to use selectors to output entity names.

When using JSON it is useful to know how it is structured. You can read about the structure of JSON at

There is a great thread about the JSON Text Component for minecraft here which will help if writing your own /tellraw command or there are tools online like this that will help generate the command for you.