"Minecraft Offline.bat" With HD texture pack Fix?

This is great:

@java -Xms512m -Xmx1024 -cp "%APPDATA%/.minecraft/bin/*" \
    -Djava.library.path="%APPDATA%/.minecraft/bin/natives" \
    net.minecraft.client.Minecraft %IGN%

But if your trying to use any HD texture pack you will get the "unpatched bug" i.e. small lava and portal textures on all dirt blocks

is there any way to fix the issue ?

Solution 1:

That command line allows Minecraft to use extra memory and use an "offline" player name, but does not itself fix any problems with HD textures. Make sure you have the correct mod installed.

Update: I think I just figured out what's going on. That command pulls in all the .jar files in your .minecraft/bin folder. Well, it happens that the patcher used by the HD textures fix creates a backup of your original, unmodified minecraft.jar file in that same folder, which I suspect is conflicting with and overriding your mods.

Find that backup file (it should be minecraft-1.8.1.jar if you're using the latest version) and move it somewhere else (or just delete it). I expect that will get things working again.