?? operator in Swift

It is "nil coalescing operator" (also called "default operator"). a ?? b is value of a (i.e. a!), unless a is nil, in which case it yields b. I.e. if favouriteSnacks[person] is missing, return assign "Candy Bar" in its stead.

EDIT Technically can be interpreted as: (From Badar Al-Rasheed's Answer below)

let something = a != nil ? a! : b

let something = a ?? b


let something = a != nil ? a! : b


let snackName = favoriteSnacks[person] ?? "Candy Bar"

Is equals this:

if favoriteSnacks[person] != nil {
    let snackName = favoriteSnacks[person]    
} else {
    let snackName = "Candy Bar"

Explaining in words, if the let statement fail to grab person from favoriteSnacks it will assigned Candy Bar to the snackName