Iterate through a String Swift 2.0

I am trying to do a very simple piece of code in Swift playgrounds.

var word = "Zebra"

for i in word {

However, I always get an error on line 3.

'String' does not have a member named 'Generator'

Any ideas on why this doesn't work? Note: I am working in Xcode 7, with Swift 2.0 (Strings and Characters).

Solution 1:

As of Swift 2, String doesn't conform to SequenceType. However, you can use the characters property on String. characters returns a String.CharacterView which conforms to SequenceType and so can be iterated through with a for loop:

let word = "Zebra"

for i in word.characters {

Alternatively, you could add an extension to String to make it conform to SequenceType:

extension String: SequenceType {}

// Now you can use String in for loop again.
for i in "Zebra" {

Although, I'm sure Apple had a reason for removing String's conformance to SequenceType and so the first option seems like the better choice. It's interesting to explore what's possible though.

Solution 2:

String doesn't conform to SequenceType anymore. However you can access the characters property of it this way:

var word = "Zebra"

for i in word.characters {

Note that the documentation hasn't been updated yet.

Solution 3:

Swift 4

Forin loop:

let word = "Swift 4"
for i in word {

map example:

let word = "Swift 4"
_ ={ print($0) })

forEach example:

let word = "Swift 4"
word.forEach({ print($0) })