Apache Server (xampp) doesn't run on Windows 10 (Port 80)

I had the same problem on windows 10, IIS/10.0 was using port 80

To solve that:

  • find service "W3SVC"
  • disable it, or set it to "manual"

French name is: "Service de publication World Wide Web"

English name is: "World Wide Web Publishing Service"

german name is: "WWW-Publishingdienst" – thanks @fiffy

Polish name is: "Usługa publikowania w sieci WWW" - thanks @KrzysDan

Russian name is "Служба веб-публикаций" – thanks @Kreozot

Italian name is "Servizio Pubblicazione sul Web" – thanks @Claudio-Venturini

Español name is "Servicio de publicación World Wide Web" - thanks @Daniel-Santarriaga

Portuguese (Brazil) name is "Serviço de publicação da World Wide Web" - thanks @thiago-born

Alternatives :

  • Another solution is to shutodwn the service via an admin console with command sc stop W3SVC
  • see community wiki from Tobias Hochgürtel Apache Server (xampp) doesn't run on Windows 10 (Port 80)

Edit 07 oct 2015: For more details, see Matthew Stumphy's answer Apache Server (xampp) doesn't run on Windows 10 (Port 80)

This answer is intended as an addendum to the highest rated answer on this thread by paaacman. I just wanted to add some helpful detail for users like myself who don't know their way around Windows 10 as well.

Windows 10 runs IIS (Internet Information Services, Microsoft's web server software) automatically during Startup on Port 80. In order to use Apache Server on that port, IIS must be stopped.

paaacman's response refers to the IIS server as "W3SVC", or the "World Wide Web Publishing Service". I suppose that's because Windows 10 runs IIS as a service. In order to disable it or modify how the service runs, you need to know where to find "Services" in your system.

I found the easiest way there was to click on the search button next to the start menu button in the Windows 10 taskbar and type "Administrative Tools". You can either hit return or click on the "Administrative Tools" link that Windows finds for you.

A control panel window will open with a list of tools. The one you want is "Services." Double-click it.

Another window will open called "Services." Locate the one named "World Wide Web Publishing Service." Some other users in this thread have listed what it is called in other languages, if your list is not in English.

If you only want to turn off the IIS server for this Windows session, but want it to run automatically again the next time you start up Windows, right-click "World Wide Web Publishing Service" and choose "Stop." The server will stop, and Port 80 will be freed up for Apache (or whatever else you want to use it for).

If you want to prevent the IIS server from running automatically when you start up Windows in the future, right-click "World Wide Web Publishing Serivce" and select "Properties." In the window that appears, locate the "Startup type" dropdown, and set it "Manual." Click "Apply" or "OK" to save your changes. You should be all set.