File sharing broken after installing Security Update 2017-001

I've spent all day so far trying to resolve this. File sharing just doesn't work any more!

I am now fairly certain that installing Security Update 2017-001 for macOS High Sierra to fix the “root” vulnerability problem (see:, is the cause of my file sharing problem! C'mon Apple, where's your quality control!

Does anyone know how I can fix this?

Apple has already issued a quick fix to this. Follow these steps:

  1. Launch the Terminal app (usually found in the Utilities folder within your Applications folder)
  2. Copy the following command and paste it into Terminal:

sudo /usr/libexec/configureLocalKDC

  1. Press enter
  2. Enter your Admin password (Note: You won’t actually see the cursor move as you enter your password)
  3. Press enter

For more info: