no umbrella header found for target, module map will not be generated

When I trying build CKCountdownButton as a framework in Xcode 6.3, it complains with

warning: no umbrella header found for target 'CKCountdownButton', module map will not be generated

Then when I import this framework in other project, it failed with No such module 'CKCountdownButton'

I found another solution, Xcode provides a way to specify umbrella header through Module Map File configuration.


The contents of module.modulemap should be:

framework module Foo {
    umbrella header "Bar.h"

    header "other-header.h"

    export *
    module * { export * }

Add a CKCountdownButton.h in framework fixed this issue.

I think the umbrella header means the header file with same name like Framework

That target needs to have at least 1 Swift file. Check that you have Swift files added to the target

Custom framework module map(.modulemap) and DEFINES_MODULE

[Module and .modulemap]

Public file structure:


Mark all headers which should be exposed for consumer as public(header_1.h, header_2.h, header1_1.h). Headers public section[About] or you get next error.

//For example in umbrella.h
Include of non-modular header inside framework module '<module_name>'

//or in upper .h file
'PBURLConnectionStub.h' file not found

modular headers - .h files which included into .modulemap:

  • .modulemap umbrella keyword from umbrella.h
  • .modulemap header keyword.

Modular headers can import only modular headers

Create an umbrella file - any .h file (or autogenerated <product_name>.h for Framework target). Let's call it Umbrella.h

Add root .h files into umbrella file(Umbrella.h). All imports from this files will be added automatically

//Umbrella.h file
#import "header_1.h"
#import "header_2.h"

Use or create a custom .modulemap file. You can call the .modulemap file as you wish, after compiling it will be called module.modulemap. Also I would not recommend you to call it as module.modulemap because it can cause unpredictable changes of this file

module.modulemap which is generated by default:

//the same for Objective-C and Swift framework
framework module SomeModule {

    //umbrella header "<umbrella_name>.h"
    umbrella header "Umbrella.h"
    export *
    module * { export * }

//unique for Swift framework
module SomeModule.Swift {
    header "SomeModule-Swift.h"
    requires objc

umbrella header

Expose all module headers recursively. Generates next code

framework module SomeModule {
    //explicitly define all modular header
    header "header_1.h"
    header "header_2.h"
    header "header_1_1.h"

import SomeModule


multiple modules

.modulemap can contain multiple modules. One of them must have the same name as PRODUCT_MODULE_NAME

framework module SomeModule
framework module SomeModule2

import SomeModule
import SomeModule2

Submodule module

When you import Outer module you are able to use headers from sub module

framework module SomeModule {
    module Submodule1 {
        header "header_1.h"

import SomeModuleSwift.Submodule1
//or even
import SomeModuleSwift


explicit submodule explicit module

You are not able to use module name for submodule header(as you can do by default as shown in previous example)

framework module SomeModule {
    explicit module Submodule1 {
        header "header_1.h"

//import SomeModuleSwift //Error: Cannot find 'header_1' in scope
import SomeModuleSwift.Submodule1


Dependencies between explicit submodules export

framework module SomeModule {
  explicit module Submodule1 {
      header "header_1.h"
      export Submodule2
  explicit module Submodule2 {
      header "header_2.h"

import SomeModuleObjC.Submodule1


Work with Umbrella

module * works only with umbrella, if not you get

Inferred submodules require a module with an umbrella
framework module SomeModule {
  umbrella header "Umbrella.h"

  module * { export * }
  export *

next code is generated

framework module SomeModule {

  //module * { export * }
  module header_1 {
    header "header_1.h"

    export header_2 
    export header_1_1 

  module header_2 {
    header "header_2.h"
    export header_1 
    export header_1_1 

  module header_1_1 {
    header "header_1_1.h"
    export header_1 
    export header_2 

  //export *
  export header_1 
  export header_2 
  export header_1_1 

//using one of them
import SomeModule.header_1 
import SomeModule.header_2
import SomeModule.header_1_1 


When some file can not be found next error is occurred

Error: Cannot find 'header_name' in scope

To see the effect use explicit module

module * - creates submodule for every modular header inside umbrella

export * - export all submodule into current sub/module

If we use module * { } instead of module * { export * } and import SomeModule.header_1 nothing changed we steal can use all modular headers when import a single submodule. It is safety because parent module SomeModule has an access to all submodules

import SomeModule.header_1


If we use explicit module * { } instead of explicit module * { export * } and import SomeModule.header_1 we get error

import SomeModule.header_1

//header_2 //Error: Cannot find 'header_2' in scope


Defines Module(DEFINES_MODULE)

Build Settings -> Defines Module
If YES - Xcode generates .modulemap. If `MODULEMAP_FILE` is not specified Xcode try to generate it automatically


Build Settings -> Module Map File
Path to custom `.modulemap` file
The result file `module.modulemap` will be generated and embedded into .framework



Build Settings -> Import Paths
Path to custom `.modulemap` file