How does the Hunter Playtonic work?

Hunter - A sound effect is made when near rare items.

Source :

What are the items that are considered rare? Also, what is the sound effect that I should be expecting?

Solution 1:

You will hear a whistling sound when you are near a rare item. If you are using a controller, it will also vibrate.

The rare items are:

  • Power Extenders
  • Mollycools
  • Butterfly Boosters
  • Pirate Treasures


Tank War Room and experience using the tonic.

Edit: I've also noticed that quills will trigger the effect. However, it appears you have to have only a few remaining before the whistling sound is heard. This is likely to make it easier to find those last few quills. I'm not sure how many remaining is needed in order to hear the sound, but I've observed it with only four left.