Can't load a manifest resource with GetManifestResourceStream()

The name of the resource is always:

<Base namespace>.<RelativePathInProject>.<FileName>

So if your resource is located in "Resources/Xsd/", and your default project namespace is "MonitoringAPI.Configuration", the resource name is:


Also make sure the build action for your resource is set to "Embedded Resource"

Easy and correct way to get the actual name of your embedded resource:

string[] resourceNames =

Then simply check resourceNames array, and you will know for sure what to pass to GetManifestResourceStream method.

In my case,

When you try to access the file via GetManifestResourceStream(). You will get an error due to invalid path of the file, and stream will be null.


Right click on the file which you have added in to solution and Click on Properties.

Select the Build Action as Embedded Resource. (Instead of Content - by default)

Build action property set to embedded resource