Can I delete unnecessary device simulators of Xcode?

I found that Xcode on my laptop consumes much of its storage, so I am trying to delete unnecessary files in Xcode.

There are four directories under Application/ I feel that WatchSimulator.platform and AppleTVSimulator.platform are not necessary, because I use Xcode almost only for basic iOS development.

I would like to know if I can delete those platforms directories directly?


Yes, you can delete any simulator that you don't use. I do this routinely when I stop supporting older iOS versions.

If you delete them and then you find that you need them at some point in the future, you can redownload them from Apple's developer site.

The best way to delete them is in Xcode. Go to Window -> Devices and Simulators. This will open a new window with all the devices you use in Xcode.

At the top, tap on Simulators and you'll see a list on the left-side.

From there, find the simulator you want to delete and Cntl - click (or right-click) and select Delete.

I do this with each simulator that runs in each iOS version that I no longer support.

Update July 2020: There's a free utility in the Mac App Store named DevCleaner for Xcode. This application can display and delete simulators and various caches. I've found it be a very quick and easy way to regain space. I'm not the developer or associated with this application in any way.

Xcode now shares the simulators with all users. So, you need to remove the simulators from the following folder:


For example:

cd /Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Profiles/Runtimes
sudo rm -rf iOS\ 8.4.simruntime/
sudo rm -rf iOS\ 9.3.simruntime/


You can easily remove all unavailable simulators with this command in the terminal:

xcrun simctl delete unavailable