How to redo a migration on django 1.8 after using --fake
Something went wrong on my migrations, I added a new datetimefield to a model then I used makemigrations and migrate.
python makemigrations
python migrate
But after this the migrate got an "table already exists error". I supposed I could fake the migrations and start over, so I did
python makemigrations --fake core
Operations to perform:
Apply all migrations: core
Running migrations:
Rendering model states... DONE
Applying core.0001_initial... FAKED
Applying core.0002_auto_20150525_1331... FAKED
Applying core.0003_auto_20150525_1348... FAKED
Applying core.0004_processo_data_atualizacao... FAKED
but the new migrate that I've just created was faked too (of course!).
How is the proper way to redo a migration (in this case the core.0004) after doing this?
Solution 1:
You should first set your current state to 0003 with --fake
(assuming 0003 is the last migration you really have applied):
python migrate --fake core 0003
And then proceed as usual:
python migrate core
Relevant documentation: