Detect whether input element is focused within ReactJS

How can I detect whether an input element such as the following is currently focused within a ReactJS render function?

<input type="text" style={searchBoxStyle} placeholder="Search"></input>   

Solution 1:

You can check against document.activeElement as long as the input node is mounted and there is a reference to it:

const searchInput = React.useRef(null)

if (document.activeElement === searchInput.current) {
  // do something

return <input type="text" ref={searchInput} />

Another way would be to add event listeners for the focus and blur events inside the input field:

const [focused, setFocused] = React.useState(false)
const onFocus = () => setFocused(true)
const onBlur = () => setFocused(false)

return <input type="text" onFocus={onFocus} onBlur={onBlur} />

Note that this will call a re-render each time the node is focused or blurred (but this is what you want, right?)

Solution 2:

I started with the answer given by David, where he describes two methods, and they both worked for me, but I had concerns about both:

  1. On the first case it uses findDOMNode, what has some disadvantages: at minimum its use is discouraged, and it can easily be implemented in a way that it is considered an anti-pattern; and also it can make the code slower, by bypassing the virtual DOM and working with the DOM directly.

  2. On the second option, create and manage a component state only to find that answer seems too much work, can easily get out of sync, and can cause the component to re-render unnecessarily.

So after trying to explore the issue more, I came up with the following solution:

if ( === {
  // your code goes here

The same comment on David's answer applies:

You should not do this in the render method though, because the input node might not be mounted yet. Use a lifecycle method like componentDidUpdate or componentDidMount.


  • uses the current component properties (which are immutable values)
  • doesn't require state management, and therefore won't cause unnecessary re-rendering
  • doesn't require DOM traversing, so performance should be as good as it gets
  • doesn't require creating a component reference


  • your component should have an id property that is passed to the form element you want to check (which is most likely the case anyway)