How to send data back by popViewControllerAnimated for Swift?

I need to send some data back from secondView to First View by popView. How can i send back the data by popViewControllerAnimated?


Solution 1:

You can pass data back using delegate

  1. Create protocol in ChildViewController
  2. Create delegate variable in ChildViewController
  3. Extend ChildViewController protocol in MainViewController
  4. Give reference to ChildViewController of MainViewController when navigate
  5. Define delegate Method in MainViewController
  6. Then you can call delegate method from ChildViewController


In ChildViewController: Write code below...

protocol ChildViewControllerDelegate
     func childViewControllerResponse(parameter)

class ChildViewController:UIViewController
    var delegate: ChildViewControllerDelegate?

In MainViewController

// extend `delegate`
class MainViewController:UIViewController,ChildViewControllerDelegate
    // Define Delegate Method
    func childViewControllerResponse(parameter)
       .... // self.parameter = parameter

There are two options:

A) with Segue

override func prepareForSegue(segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: AnyObject?)
   let goNext = segue.destinationViewController as ChildViewController
   goNext.delegate = self

B) without Segue

let goNext = storyboard?.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("childView") as ChildViewController
goNext.delegate = self
self.navigationController?.pushViewController(goNext, animated: true)

Method Call


Solution 2:

If you want to send data by popping, you'd do something like:

func goToFirstViewController() {
  let a = self.navigationController.viewControllers[0] as A = "data"