SSH shell prompt does not show user@host for one user

I have Ubuntu 12.04 server running. I created user1 when I installed, and created user2 today with '1useradd' and I added it to all the same groups as user1.

But when I log in remotely using SSH, the prompt for user1 looks like this:


And the prompt for user2 looks like this:


Most importantly, the shell doesn't behave as nicely as I'm used to when I'm logged in as user2. There is no autocomplete of commands or files with tab, and I can't access the MRU with up.

Solution 1:

It is because their shell is set to /bin/sh, and not /bin/bash. You can use the program chsh (CHange SHell) to change that user's shell. When you're logged in as that user, run:

chsh /bin/bash

I would recommend against editing /etc/passwd manually as you could accidentally enter a syntactically wrong line in to it (without realising), which might break logins for other users.

Solution 2:

Note: Use the method in the update, it's safer than manually editing passwd file.

the useradd command apparently sets /bin/sh as the default shell (which in turn is linked to /bin/dash). Try editing /etc/passwd and change /bin/sh to /bin/bash for user2.

In the future, use adduser instead.

UDPATE: As @Scott suggested below, instead of editing /etc/passwd use the chsh command:

chsh /bin/bash


Solution 3:

While chsh gets the job done, just like one would modify several other aspects of a user, the usermod command is your friend:

usermod -s /bin/bash user

It is the editing counterpart of useradd.