So, I have 6 "master" files to then divide into 40 separate files

I will briefly describe what I would like: I have 6 "master" files each containing 40 worksheets as follows: AG workbook has HR Gp 1 to HR Gp 40, ER workbook has FB Gp 1 to Gp 40, etc. All sheets are "flat" already.

I have managed to create a macro (using Excel Mac 2011) which works for one group (code follows at the bottom), but I have not been able to make it "loop" successfully.

Any help to sort the loop would be appreciated Many thanks, Mike

Sub Macro3()
' Macro3 Macro
'turn off screen
With Application
'        .ScreenUpdating = False  only removed while testing
'        .EnableEvents = False
        '.Calculation = xlCalculationManual  disbled for the moment
End With

'get the path to desktop
Dim sPath As String
sPath = MacScript("(path to desktop folder as string)")

'give a name to new work book for macro use
Dim NewCaseFile As Workbook

'open new workbook
Set NewCaseFile = Workbooks.Add

'Move group 1's sheets to NewcaseFile : 1 sheet from 6 workbooks...
    Sheets("HR gp 1").Select
    Sheets("HR gp 1").Move Before:=NewCaseFile.Sheets(1)
    Sheets("F&B gp 1").Select
    Sheets("F&B gp 1").Move Before:=NewCaseFile.Sheets(1)
    Sheets("Acc gp 1").Select
    Sheets("Acc gp 1").Move Before:=NewCaseFile.Sheets(1)
    Sheets("Mkt gp 1").Select
    Sheets("Mkt gp 1").Move Before:=NewCaseFile.Sheets(1)
    Sheets("Rdiv gp 1").Select
    Sheets("Rdiv gp 1").Move Before:=NewCaseFile.Sheets(1)
    Sheets("Fac gp 1").Select
    Sheets("Fac gp 1").Move Before:=NewCaseFile.Sheets(1)

'Save the created file for Group1
 ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=sPath & "gp 1.xlsx", FileFormat:= _
   xlOpenXMLWorkbook, CreateBackup:=False
   ActiveWorkbook.Close False

'turn screen back on
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.DisplayAlerts = True

End Sub

Try something like this (tried to stick to your style/approach)

'open new workbook
Set NewCaseFile = Workbooks.Add

Dim strSheetNameAG As String
Dim strSheetNameER As String

Dim intLoop As Integer

For intLoop = 1 To 40

    'set sheet names
    strSheetNameAG = "HR gp " & i
    strSheetNameER = "F&B gp " & i

    'move them across
    Windows("AG.xlsx").Sheets(strSheetNameAG).Move Before:=NewCaseFile.Sheets(1)
    Windows("ER.xlsx").Sheets(strSheetNameAG).Move Before:=NewCaseFile.Sheets(1)

Next intLoop

'Save the created file for Group1
 ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=sPath & "gp 1.xlsx", FileFormat:= _
   xlOpenXMLWorkbook, CreateBackup:=False
   ActiveWorkbook.Close False

Well, without Miss Palmer I would still be in the dark (jet black really) but managed to make it work (code below) but not as elegant as I was shown... Still many thanks to her help.

Sub Macro4()

'turn off screen
With Application
'        .ScreenUpdating = False  only removed while testing
'        .EnableEvents = False
    '.Calculation = xlCalculationManual  disbled for the moment
End With

'get the path to desktop
Dim sPath As String
sPath = MacScript("(path to desktop folder as string)")

'give a name to new work book for macro use
Dim NewCaseFile As Workbook

Dim strSheetNameAG As String
Dim strSheetNameER As String
Dim strSheetNameCS As String
Dim strSheetNameEV As String
Dim strSheetNameJD As String
Dim strSheetNamePG As String

'Dim intLoop As Integer
Dim i As Integer

For i = 1 To 40

'open new workbook
Set NewCaseFile = Workbooks.Add

    'set sheet names
    strSheetNameAG = "HR gp " & i
    strSheetNameER = "F&B gp " & i
    strSheetNameCS = "Acc gp " & i
    strSheetNameEV = "Mkt gp " & i
    strSheetNameJD = "Rdiv gp " & i
    strSheetNamePG = "Fac gp " & i

    'move them across
        Sheets(strSheetNameAG).Move Before:=NewCaseFile.Sheets(1)
        Sheets(strSheetNameER).Move Before:=NewCaseFile.Sheets(1)
        Sheets(strSheetNameCS).Move Before:=NewCaseFile.Sheets(1)
        Sheets(strSheetNameEV).Move Before:=NewCaseFile.Sheets(1)
        Sheets(strSheetNameJD).Move Before:=NewCaseFile.Sheets(1)
        Sheets(strSheetNamePG).Move Before:=NewCaseFile.Sheets(1)


'Save the created file for Group in use
 ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=sPath & "gp " & i & ".xlsx", FileFormat:= _
   xlOpenXMLWorkbook, CreateBackup:=False
   ActiveWorkbook.Close False

Next i


'turn screen back on
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.DisplayAlerts = True

End Sub