How can I define my controller using TypeScript?

How to define my controller using TypeScript. As right now it's in angular js but i want to change this for type script.So that the data can be retrieved quickly.

function CustomerCtrl($scope, $http, $templateCache){

    $ = function(search)
        var Search = {
            AccountId: search.AccountId,
            checkActiveOnly: search.checkActiveOnly,
            checkParentsOnly: search.checkParentsOnly,
            listCustomerType: search.listCustomerType
        $scope.customer = [];
        $scope.ticket = [];
        $ = [];
        $http.put('<%=ResolveUrl("API/Search/PutDoSearch")%>', Search).
            success(function(data, status, headers, config) {
                $scope.cust_File = data[0].customers;
                $scope.ticket_file = data[0].tickets;
                $scope.service_file = data[0].services;
            error(function(data, status)
                console.log("Request Failed");

Solution 1:

There are 2 different ways to tackle this:

  • still using $scope
  • using controllerAs (recommended)

using $scope

class CustomCtrl{
    static $inject = ['$scope', '$http', '$templateCache'];
    constructor (
            private $scope,
            private $http,
            private $templateCache
        $ =;

    private search (search) {
        var Search = {
            AccountId: search.AccountId,
            checkActiveOnly: search.checkActiveOnly,
            checkParentsOnly: search.checkParentsOnly,
            listCustomerType: search.listCustomerType
        this.$scope.customer = [];
        this.$scope.ticket = [];
        this.$ = [];
        this.$http.put('<%=ResolveUrl("API/Search/PutDoSearch")%>', Search).
                success((data, status, headers, config) => {
                    this.$scope.cust_File = data[0].customers;
                    this.$scope.ticket_file = data[0].tickets;
                    this.$scope.service_file = data[0].services;
                error((data, status) => {
                    console.log("Request Failed");


Using controllerAs

class CustomCtrl{
    public customer;
    public ticket;
    public services;
    public cust_File;
    public ticket_file;
    public service_file;

    static $inject = ['$scope', '$http', '$templateCache'];
    constructor (
            private $http,
            private $templateCache

    private search (search) {
        var Search = {
            AccountId: search.AccountId,
            checkActiveOnly: search.checkActiveOnly,
            checkParentsOnly: search.checkParentsOnly,
            listCustomerType: search.listCustomerType
        this.customer = [];
        this.ticket = []; = [];
        this.$http.put('<%=ResolveUrl("API/Search/PutDoSearch")%>', Search).
                success((data, status, headers, config) => {
                    this.cust_File = data[0].customers;
                    this.ticket_file = data[0].tickets;
                    this.service_file = data[0].services;
                error((data, status) => {
                    console.log("Request Failed");


If you switch from $scope to controllerAs your view would change from:

<div ng-controller="CustomCtrl">


<div ng-controller="CustomCtrl as custom">

where custom is a representation of the controller so you are explicitly telling what you are binding to in your markup.

Note $inject is a way to provide angular with information about what dependencies to inject into your controller at run time even when the code has been minified (strings don't get minified)

Solution 2:

I decided to add another answer, with working example. It is very simplified version, but should show all the basic how to us TypeScript and angularJS.

There is a working plunker

This would be our data.json playing role of a server.

  "a": "Customer AAA",
  "b": "Customer BBB",
  "c": "Customer DDD",
  "d": "Customer DDD",
  "Default": "Not found"

This would be our starting module MainApp.js:

var app = angular.module('MainApp', [


So later we can use module CustomerSearch. This would be our index.html

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html ng-app="MainApp" ng-strict-di>

    <title>my app</title>
    <script data-require="angular.js@*"

    <script src="MainApp.js"></script>
    <script src="CustomerSearch.dirc.js"></script>

    <customer-search></customer-search> // our directive


Now, we would see the declaration of 1) directive, 2) scope, 3) controller. This all could be in one file (check it here). Let's observe all three parts of that file CustomerSearch.dirc.js (it is CustomerSearch.dirc.ts .. but for plunker I complied that)

1) get reference to module 'CustomerSearch' declared above and declare directive

/// <reference path="../scripts/angularjs/angular.d.ts" />
module CustomerSearch
    var app = angular.module('CustomerSearch');

    export class CustomerSearchDirective implements ng.IDirective
        public restrict: string = "E";
        public replace: boolean = true;
        public template: string = "<div>" +
            "<input ng-model=\"SearchedValue\" />" +
            "<button ng-click=\"Ctrl.Search()\" >Search</button>" +
            "<p> for searched value <b>{{SearchedValue}}</b> " +
            " we found: <i>{{FoundResult}}</i></p>" +
        public controller: string = 'CustomerSearchCtrl';
        public controllerAs: string = 'Ctrl';
        public scope = {};

    app.directive("customerSearch", [() => new CustomerSearch.CustomerSearchDirective()]);

The directive was declared in TypeScript and immediately injected into the our module

Now, we declare a scope to be used as a strongly typed object in Controller:

    export interface ICustomerSearchScope  extends ng.IScope
        SearchedValue: string;
        FoundResult: string;
        Ctrl: CustomerSearchCtrl;

And now we can declare simple controller

    export class CustomerSearchCtrl
        static $inject = ["$scope", "$http"];
        constructor(protected $scope: CustomerSearch.ICustomerSearchScope,
            protected $http: ng.IHttpService)
            // todo
        public Search(): void
                .then((response: ng.IHttpPromiseCallbackArg<any>) =>
                    var data =;
                    this.$scope.FoundResult = data[this.$scope.SearchedValue]
                        || data["Default"];
    app.controller('CustomerSearchCtrl',  CustomerSearch.CustomerSearchCtrl);

Observe that all in action here

Solution 3:

There would be more to improve (e.g. do not $, but, but one of ways could be:

Firstly we create our module MyModule and define a new $scope - the ICustomer Scope

module MyModule
    export interface ICustomerScope extends ng.IScope
        search: (search: any) => void;
        customer: any[];
        ticket: any[];
        services: any[];

        cust_File: any[];
        ticket_file: any[];
        service_file: any[];

Next is the controller, which would be injected into angular module later. it does use the ICustomerScope defined above

    export class CustomerCtrl
        static $inject = ['$scope', '$http', '$templateCache'];

        constructor(protected $scope: ICustomerScope,
            protected $http: ng.IHttpService,
            protected $templateCache: ng.ITemplateCacheService)
            $ =;
        public search = (search: any) => 
            var Search = {
                AccountId: search.AccountId,
                checkActiveOnly: search.checkActiveOnly,
                checkParentsOnly: search.checkParentsOnly,
                listCustomerType: search.listCustomerType

            this.$scope.customer = [];
            this.$scope.ticket = [];
            this.$ = [];

            var url = "someUrl"; // '<%=ResolveUrl("API/Search/PutDoSearch")%>'
            this.$http.put(url, Search).
                success((data, status, headers, config) =>
                    this.$scope.cust_File = data[0].customers;
                    this.$scope.ticket_file = data[0].tickets;
                    this.$scope.service_file = data[0].services;
                error((data, status) =>
                    console.log("Request Failed");

Now we continue - we get reference to module, and register controller: CustomerCtrl.

    var app = angular.module("MyControllerModule");    

    app.controller("CustomerCtrl", MyModule.CustomerCtrl);

Now our controller can be used, will do the same as original. But could be used and declare public actions instead of $scope.methods()