Is there a way to skip the cinematics?

Every time I decide to look at a different planet, new system, etc, I'm forced to sit through a 10-15 second cinematic of the Tempest soaring to the new place. It was nice the first few times, but it's getting a bit tedious to sit through every time I just want to look at stuff, especially if it's just because I accidentally selected the wrong thing.

Is there a way to cancel or skip these cinematics?

Solution 1:

Updated (04/06/17):

A prompt to skip the "autopilot" cutscenes (travelling between planets within a system) was added in patch 1.05.

Original Post:

You can't skip them, and it doesn't even seems to be because the game is loading or anything else.

They just wanted to animate travel between planets, but a lot of people are complaining about it, so maybe you will have the option to skip them in a future patch.