How does WiFi on a bus work? [closed]

The vehicle (or something within the vehicle) needs to have a satellite or mobile broadband uplink that provides the connection to the remote network (Internet, private LAN, whatever). Then you have an access point that provides the WiFi to the occupants of the vehicle. This access point is either integrated into the uplink or is somehow bridged to it, it'll depend on what devices you use. You can do this with many modern smartphones, although I'm not sure what the limitations are as far as simultaneous connections and I'd be hesitant to provide this at this scale.

If the occupants are not all carrying a WiFi enabled device then you would want to have a switch for them to connect hardwired.

I wouldn't expect great throughput on this one at this point in the game unless you're willing to throw a lot of money at it.

[Don't forget to include the AC power source]