Error in fetch(key) : lazy-load database

Solution 1:

It seems that the error arises when the package cannot be decompressed by R (as @rawr established, it is corrupt). This solutions have worked for me:

1) Check for possible errors in the creation of the .Rdb files

2) Try restarting your R session (e.g. .rs.restartR() if in RStudio)

3) The package might have been installed in your computer (even though it does not work). Remove it using ?remove.packages()

Solution 2:

I have had this problem with roxygen2 as well. Couldn't see any problem with any of my functions. In the end deleting the .rdb file and then getting roxygen2 to rebuild it seemed to solve the problem.

Solution 3:

I think the explanation for what is causing this is here. It's related to devtools. Per @Zfunk

cd ~/Rlibs/descopl/help
rm *.rdb

Restart R. Look at the help for the package again. Fixed!

Solution 4:

I received this error after re-installing a library whilst another R session was running.

Simply restarting the existing R session(s) solved for me (i.e. running .rs.restartR() to restart the sessions)

Solution 5:

If you are using R-studio: 1) ctrl+shift+f10 to restart r session 2) tools -> Check for package updates -> update all packages 3) library(ggmap)

Problem is solved.