Trying to make multiple background images cycle through a slideshow with CSS and JQUERY

Try creating array from css background-image value , fading in , fading out first background image ; removing faded out background image from array , placing removed background image at last index of array ; resetting background image value to array joined by comma; fading in , fading out next , now first indexed background image ; cycling through fading in , fading out all background images ; recursively calling function , to attempt to create displayed effect of an "infinite" fade in , fade out "slideshow"

$(function() {
  // set `$.fx.interval` at `0`
  $.fx.interval = 0;
  (function cycleBgImage(elem, bgimg) {
// `elem`:`#slideshow`
// set, reset, delay to `1000` after background image reset
elem.css("backgroundImage", bgimg)
  // fade in background image
  .fadeTo(3000, 1, "linear", function() {
    // set `delay` before fadeing out image
    // fade in background image        
    $(this).delay(3000, "fx").fadeTo(3000, 0, "linear", function() {
      // split background image string at comma , creating array
      var img = $(this).css("backgroundImage").split(","),
        // concat first background image to `img` array,
        // remove first background image from `img` array
        bgimg = img.concat(img[0]).splice(1).join(",");
      // recursively call `cycleBgImage`
      cycleBgImage(elem, bgimg);
body {
  width: 400px;
  height: 400px;
/* set `#slideshow` parent background color */
.slideshow {
  background: #000;
#slideshow {
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;
  display: block;
  opacity: 0.0;
  background-color: #000;
     set background images as `url(/path/to/image)` here, 
     separated by commas 
  background-image: url(""), 
  background-size: cover, 0px, 0px, 0px;
/* set transtitions at 3000ms 
  -webkit-transition: background-image 3000ms linear;
  -moz-transition: background-image 3000ms linear;
  -ms-transition: background-image 3000ms linear;
  -o-transition: background-image 3000ms linear;
  transition: background-image 3000ms linear;
<script src="">
<div class="slideshow">
  <div id="slideshow"></div>
