"Good version" of the word jobsworth

From the various definition that I've read so far, jobsworth seems to have negative connotations. I am of the opinion that the person complicates things and causes widespread nuisance. I even found "Little Hitler" to be synonymous to it!

Even though I don't have an equally quirky term, if my understanding is correct, a term with a positive connotation could be :


honest and direct : providing answers or information in a very clear and direct way


If you think forthright sounds archaic, you can replace it with "straightforward", "undemanding" , "uncomplicated" , "frank" and the likes. All these words have a positive to neutral connotation depending on your context.

Side Note

If you are a fan of social media memes, I'd say jobsworth is best represented by Scumbag Steve and someone who is just straightforward could be the Good Guy Greg! However, this is rather informal and if you choose to use it in your context, proceed with caution.