What are words that describe "the people" in the same way that "the machine" describes the ruling class?

The powerful ruling class has been described as "the machine", "the man", "patricians", "the establishment", and "big brother". I am looking for similar words to describe the 99%, aka the plebeians (and more specifically the proletariat).

The masses.

Credit to Emma Lazarus:

"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

The Proles.

The Peons.

The subjects, the constituents, the electorate, or, according to a certain lighthearted author (not me) - the refuse of history.

With reference to a "machine", it would seem "cogs" would indicate serving an inferior function.

The People

Dictionary.com Definition:


the ordinary persons, as distinguished from those who have wealth, rank, influence, etc.

"a man of the people"

As a complement to "the Man", you have "the little guy".