A word for a military unit still functioning?

I'm looking for a word which is the antonym for a military unit being destroyed or degraded. I considered live, but that has the connotation of a single being. I considered active, but my phrasing should be useful even if the unit is, say, encamped and not currently doing anything. What would the term-of-art be here?

Reports that the military unit were scattered and destroyed turned out to be in error; rather, the unit was still ____.

Solution 1:

The adjective operational comes to mind which means:

Relating to active operations of the armed forces, police, or emergency services

Your example:

Reports that the military unit was scattered and destroyed turned out to be in error; rather, the unit was still (tactically) operational.

[Oxford Online Dictionary]

Solution 2:

From many books I've read that cover this genre I would go with combat effective.

Combat effectiveness - the readiness of a military unit to engage in combat based on behavioral, operational, and leadership considerations. Combat effectiveness measures the ability of a military force to accomplish its objective and is one component of overall military effectiveness.

Solution 3:

I think the word you're looking for is "...active."

Solution 4:

It's probably more appropriate for the navy, or equipment rather than entire units, but there is in commission.

in commission - in use or in condition for use

On the flip side, a still cohesive unit that has been withdrawn to regroup is out of commission; they can not be recommitted until necessary reconfiguration has been done.

Solution 5:

"Fully Mission Capable," is the phrase that we used in the US Army to describe everything from large groups of military personnel being able to carry out a mission, the ability of a vehicle to continue combat/logistics operations, or a radio's ability to receive/transmit consistently.