On or In this matter? [closed]

"Decision Making? I believe I do okay in/on this matter."

Should I use 'on' or 'in'?

Solution 1:

I believe that Smokey Stover's answer over on the Phrase Finder Discussion Forum (April 10, 2008) is correct:

Could you explain [to] me the the difference ... [in] use [between] 'in this matter' ... [and] 'on this matter'?


In general, either is correct, both meaning "in regard to this matter." Often the preceding wording suggests a preference, as in, e.g.,

"I would like to have your opinion on this matter."

But, on the other hand,

"I'm not sure how to proceed in this matter."

Sentences often begin, "In the matter of ...," and this is NOT interchangeable with "On the matter of...." (If you're in doubt you can say, "In regard to....") I can't give you a rule to cover all cases. The idiomatic use of prepositions is tricky even for native speakers.

[Smokey Stover] (reformatted)

I don't think that either variant here ("Decision Making? I believe I do okay in/on this matter.") is very idiomatic (and I'd certainly avoid 'on', which hints strongly at 'I can discuss decision making articulately'). I'd use either "Decision Making? I believe I do okay." in an informal register or "As regards decision making: I believe I am reasonably competent in this area." in a formal one.