How to fix "macOS needs to repair your library to run applications" after High Sierra upgrade?

So none of the given answers works on High Sierra (OS X 10.16.x) and I don't have Clean My Mac 3. This Apple article did the trick for me and pretty easily:

This involves setting the permissions through the finder and then resetting the permissions by using the command

diskutil resetUserPermissions / `id -u`

Make sure you cd to the appropriate home folder (I did this logged in as myself for another user that was experiencing the issue) to avoid access errors.

This fixed my problem.

To set the permissions on your user folder as giving you access/ownership:

sudo chown -R <user> ~/Library
sudo chgrp -R <groupname> ~/Library

You get the your username by running:

id -u

You get your group by running:

id -g 


  • Open disc Utility and select you Systemdrive, run First Aid.
  • Restart

If this step doesn't work, try the second


  • Restart, press CMD + R to boot into recovery
  • Next, choose Terminal from the Utilities menu
  • Type resetpassword
  • Select your Systemdrive (e.g. Macintosh HD/SSD)
  • Select your Username from the list
  • Click on Reset Home folder Permissions and ACL's button
  • Reboot and logged in your Account and see that your problem is repaired.
  • Sometimes you need to run reset permissions a second time until it works.

You don't need both steps, if one works, you're done.